Want a chance to design For Headlines & Heroes?
Headlines & Heroes - A Clothing Line For Super Heroes, Criminals & everything in between!
We are looking for fresh new designers for our Apparel. If you think you have what it takes to give people a new identity with our style then lets see it. We are going to be selecting the best designs and styles from candidates from NYC. If we choose your design you will be awarded a pre determined payment for your design and a chance to design for us on a more permanent level.
Send us some samples of your previous artwork that you have done. if we are into your style then we'd like to see some renderings of something that fits our brand.
If you are submitting graphics:
3 colors or less
Submit a Jpeg Preview of the design as well as what your design would look like on a shirt.
Check out HeadlinesandHeroes.com for more background info
Submission Legal Terms & Conditions
H&H retains exclusive rights to the submitted design, if chosen, for printing and selling on clothing. H&H also retains rights to the design itself for use on the H&H website, and any H&H promotional material.
The participant will keep ownership of the submitted design. The participant may display or archive the design in a portfolio or personal collection, but may not sell or reproduce the design for commercial purposes until 1 year after submission. In addition, during this period, the participant cannot submit the design to another company to be potentially produced. Once this time frame has passed, if the design was not chosen for print by H&H the participant is free to use the design for commercial purposes, however the participant must email H&H to notify where and when it will be produced so that it can be removed from the H&H website. Also, if the design is printed elsewhere, the participant cannot use the H&H name to promote the product or another company.
The Design must be the participant's own original work and may not have been previously published. The Design may not contain the trademarks, logos, copyrighted works or intellectual property of any third parties, or any material, which H&H in its sole discretion deems to be profane or offensive.
The selected design may be reworked by professional designers to prepare it for use. This usually results in small color changes or size changes.
Participants who, in the opinion of H&H , do not comply with these guidelines can at any time be excluded from the running without notification of reason.
The decisions of H&H are final and binding.
Via Headlines & Heroes